About me

DnaKlik was founded in 2014. It is a one-man company of Walter Mulder. DnaKlik is specialized in creating or maintaining Custom PHP websites.

My background

In 2000 I started at Mattmo and as a PHP programmer I have developed a tailor-made CMS for many websites. In addition, I have also regularly worked on the front-end of websites and I was involved in the publication of annual reports, including for SNS Reall, Ordina and Delta Loyd. In 2014 I started my own business. I have developed software with which I can quickly deliver a website with CMS and I am also working on the development of "DNA profiles for collections" and a platform for the production of reports.

My experience

Present, a new website to be created usually opts for a standard Open Source CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla. Because I have a lot of experience in making tailor-made solutions with self-written software, I have chosen not to work with a framework or open source CMS but to further develop the software and ideas that I have. I now have a collection of standard software for creating a CMS and the front-end with which I can offer tailor-made solutions.

Because I have noticed that there is a lot of demand for specializations in a certain framework or CMS, I specialized in TYPO3 and Symfony, the underlying framework of TYPO3. I am now updating TYPO3 websites and have recreated my self-developed CMS in Symfony.

My passion

My passion is therefore to devise and implement solutions for the shortcomings that I encounter with existing applications or solutions. Or create a solution for improving a work process. I see a website with a certain application and think, that can be nicer, better, easier and then I want to make that. An example: at Publishtool I received a report that had to be entered with a number of mathematical formulas. Then I think, how nice it would be if you could add comparisons with an editor like Asset to your documents. Then I immersed myself in LaTeX and from that a module was created to create and manage equations.

My current work

Nowadays I do a lot of maintenance jobs on TYPO3 websites for Netklaar. In addition, I am now working on the development of a CMS in Symfony which is based on the current CMS I have developed in PHP and I have made a tennis pool organizer.